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WSTS lowered the growth of the memory chip market is expected to grow only 0.6% next year

Tibco News, the World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) announced on August 23, lowered the global semiconductor market size growth expectations, is expected to grow 13.9% this year and 4.6% next year. In June, the WSTS expects growth of 16.3% this year and 5.1% next year, with overall expectations revised downward.

For the semiconductor market accounted for more than 20% of the memory chip, WSTS had predicted in June, the market size will grow 18.7% this year, but the expectation has been revised down to 8.2%, at $ 166.517 billion. In addition, its expectations for next year fell to 0.6%, at $ 167.494 billion. This means that the memory chip market is contracting faster than expected.

From the latest WSTS report, the overall growth rate of the semiconductor market will slow down significantly this year and next year, not just memory chips, separation semiconductors, sensors, analog chips, microprocessors, logic chips market size growth will slow down, but these major product categories next year, the minimum market size growth rate of 3.6%, much higher than the 0.6% of the memory chip market.


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